Alpine Coffee Company Rebrand Digital, Mobile and Print.



Complete rebranded Alpine Coffee Company. Designed a new logo, web, mobile site, and catalog. Scroll to the bottom for the website before the rebrand.

OBJECTIVE: To attract costumers to sign up for coffee delivery service from Alpine Coffee.


TO ATTRACT:  Restaurants Delis, and Convenience stores to sign up for coffee delivery service from Alpine Coffees, by making the business owners see themselves in the design as they view the website.

TO BUY: coffee, teas, equipment and snack delivery service from Alpine Coffee.

INSTEAD OF: CLW Distributors, Hiller Gourmet Coffee

BECAUSE: Alpine Coffee Company has been in business since 1991 over 25 years and specifically caters to  a specialty market of eating establishments instead of corporate offices.

Visual Design for Coffee Delivery Service. Web Design for Coffee Service

Role UX/UI Art Director and Designer

User Experience and Visual design UX/UI for Alpine Coffee Company, a coffee delivery service. The concept for this was to have the restaurant owners see themselves in the design as they view the website where they can picture their business with the coffee service. I also designed a new  logo and art directed a photo shoot for most of the products. I used Sketch to create the design.



I created the Visual Design on the Grid System. It’s designed in 2X with Sketch for Retina Displays. It’s a responsive web site for Desktop, Tablet, and Mobile devices. I started the process by creating wireframes in Sketch. See below for full pages.

Visual Designer in NYC, Restaurant Design

Above is the User Interface design for the Home page. I used the brightest colors  for the call to actions.

user interface design for coffee products. Coffee photo shoot in Brooklyn, New York., and New York City Area. Visual Design, Web Design


Above: coffee product section.

Below: contact page.




Catalog design.


Mockups Design


Below is the website before I branded the company.

Alpine Coffee Main Page2